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Foundational Values

A Foundational Value

is of Greatest Importance

Foundational Values are at the very base of our Culture.


  • Form and establish what we truly respect in Life

  • Establish the basis for what is Good or Bad

  • Shape Our Aspirations for what we Pursue or Avoid

  • Are foundational to our most lasting Beliefs & Ideals

  • Are creative to a healthy basis for our Pursuits

  • Create a moral matrix to understand our World

  • Assist us to grow and sustain a Healthy Existence

  • Determine the Quality of our Character and Conduct

  • Influence our Personal Behaviors & Attitudes

  • Are the True Ingredients to build a Vital Life


They are pleasing to God.

Teen & Adult Values

14 Plus Years Old


Youth Values

11 to 13 Years Old


Children Values

7 to 10 Years Old

Young Children Values

3 to 6 Years Old

Our Mission

Quote of the Month

To provide people of all ages, with free, accessible knowledge and education on personal values; with the goal of helping to develop strong moral character in their lives and our society.


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