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What is Love:

Love is the Greatest of All the Foundational Values.


Love is all encompassing to humanity. Love transcends life; it surrounds life; it comingles within the essence of life.


Love knows not time nor constraint. Love knows no beginning and no end. Love is timeless and cannot be wasted, eroded, or lost.


Love is the most fundamental, and true energy of reality within the known and unknown universe.  Love is the Light we cannot see, but it is more brilliant than all the suns in known existence.  Love is limitless in source and boundless in reach.


Love is the combination of all the 25 Foundational Values at once; breathing, burning, and living among us, within us, through us. Love is the underlying oneness that connects us, binds us, into whole human and spiritual beings.  Love is creative, life sustaining, life building, life nurturing, life protective.

Love is the universal Language of Life. 

Love is the Glory of God.

The Greatest Commandment for Humanity, “Is To Love God With All Your Heart, Mind, And Being”.


The Second Greatest Commandment for Humanity, is to “Love Your Neighbor As Yourself”.


Love Heals, Love Saves, Love Grows Souls.

Love Is The Smile We See, The Harmony We Hear, The Tenderness We Feel.

To Love, is to Extend One’s Sincerest Concern and Action for the Betterment, the Safety, and The Well-being Of Another.

To Love is to Invest One’s Life for A Noble Principle Or Cause That Grows and Protects Life.


Love is The Most Sacred Regard for Another’s Life and Their Eternal Soul Within, Without Any Conditions, Without Any Qualifications; as It Is Given Freely And received Freely.

Love can be Fragile; Love can be Strong; Love can be Hidden; and Love can be Open.

Love Is Alive.

Love is Family.


The Family is the Crucible through which Love is Best Developed within Humanity; as it is a Primary Institution of Life.  A well-formed and Committed Family provides a structured, stable environment for the full expression of Marriage, and the Creation of Human Life, in both body and soul. The Family provides a Matrix to Raise that Life, through the care and development of Health, Mind, and Heart. 


Devoted Parents ensure a commitment to the cultivating and teaching of Fundamental Values to their Children throughout their Lives. A Healthy Family requires the mutual Devotion of both Husband and Wife; with an Unconditional Love they Express for One Another in a Lifetime of Commitment.


Love is the Extension of That Family to the larger Family Tree of both the Husband and the Wife; the extension to Friends; to Neighbors; to the

Villages of Life We Develop within.


Love and Family exists where-ever selfless, caring, People Join Together to Raise a Child with Devotion to that’s Child’s Mind and Soul.

Examples of Love:

  • Love is the Parents, of Two 14 Year Old Teenagers Lost at Sea; who will never give up hope, nor tire from their search.  Love is their relentless drive to continue looking for their lost ones.  Love is their thoughts that stir within us, for their go we but for the sake of God.  Love is the prayers we say, that God in his mercy will gather these young souls unto himself, eternally, and repatriate them with their loving parents in worlds unseen.

  • Love is the Mother who dedicates her entire life to her children, to her family, no matter the risks or hardship she must endure.

    • Love is the Mother who will invest all her energy and life effort into her children, her parents, her husband, her family, always with unconditional, unstoppable Love.

    • Love is the Mother who stands up against falsehood and corruption. She will Courageously stand for the Love of Truth and Honesty, leading to Justice in her  community. Because she is steadfast in her Faith, Integrity lives another day. The greedy and deceptive rue her presence, but Love prevails over the evil, that is hate.

    • Love is the Mother who quietly prays for her children when sick, lonely, depressed, recovering, lost, or in need.

    • Love has preceded humanity, and grows further through the unfolding of the human spirit; for Love is God and God within Us.

  • Love is the Courage a Rescue Team shows in responding to an accident or large disaster.

  • Love is the twinkle of innocence in a Baby’s  eye when he spies his dad coming over to hold him.

  • Love is the kiss a Husband gives his Wife, before heading off to defend Freedom.

  • Love is the Philanthropist who silently contributes to the poor, the hungry, the naked, those who are powerless to help themselves.

  • Love is the Teenager that stands up for someone who is being Bullied at school.

  • Love is God’s silent helping hand.

Love is God.

  • Love is the Amish Community, willing and eager to Forgive when evil stuck down their most innocent in a savage, brutal attack.

  • Love is the Researcher who Perseveres until he breaks open the Genetic Code and advances humanity’s health.

  • Love is the Boy Scouts devotion to Honor and Duty and who strengthen the fabric of our society.

  • Love is the Green Peace Activist, fighting for the environment, the whales, the oceans, our planet’s prosperity.

  • Love is the Tradesman building a Children’s New Hospital and the Contractor that will see it is done right and on time.

  • Love is the Policemen, who protect and serve; who risk their lives each day so we may live in safety; who respond to life-threatening situations; who help the victims of accidents and domestic violence; who find lost children; who rescue the abandoned; who clear our streets of guns and violence; who deal with the drug distributor, sellers, and addicts; who through their personal Nobility, Serve their Community with Distinction and Honor.

  • Love is the Person who steps forth and shows Leadership, taking a daily stand for Quality Culture in our Society.


  • Love is the Sisters of Mercy; as they rise each day and silently, dutifully care for the indigent, the homeless, the sick and infirm; as they provide education and hope to the poor; as they Persevere through the tribulations of life to serve the neediest among us.


  • Love is the Athlete; who spends his extra time off court helping the kids develop their skills and character; giving them a needed alternative from drugs and self-destruction.


  • Love is the Teen Mom; who chooses to give the gift of Life to her child; who respects the life process she started with her boyfriend, instead of mindless death through abortion.

  • Love is the Artist; who paints the canvass with the inspiration and beauty of her heart; who captures the  promise of a new tomorrow and Awakens her admirers with splendor and Joy.


  • Love is the Daughter; who  honors her aging parents by caring for them in their senior years; who sacrifices personal time and savings to give them care and comfort before they pass.

  • Love is the Gardener; who carefully grows a bouquet of roses, to bring a little splendor into someone’s life.

  • Love is the the Musician; who writes the lyrics and notes to a song about Peace for all the world to hear; who warms the heart with harmony and vibration.

  • Love is the Building Supervisor; who takes in the abandoned, abused puppy from the outside alley and the chill of a winter snow.

God is Love.

  • Love is the outreach You do when funding an Aid Organization that finds and feeds the Hungry.

    • Love is the good work You do when the time is taken to help distribute medical care to the world’s sick and dying children.

    • Love is the Generosity You demonstrate with your Time and Resources to work at a Food Share; a Charity; a Fundraiser.

    • Love is You giving in secret, between your hands and God’s Eyes.

    • Love is when You choose to act in good faith and help out, despite the temptation to withhold, or doubt.

  • Love is Nature;  as she reaches out to Humanity and provides the bounty of a fertile earth; as she sheds the cool rain on crops; as she warms the green forests; as she nurtures the abundant Life about us. Love is our planet, with all her splendor, mystery, and thriving Life, on a tiny rock we call Home.  Love is protecting our species from predation, extinction, and exploitation; Love is saving the Lions, Rhinos, Whales, Polar Bears, Baby Seals and God’s many innocent creatures from human greed. Love is saving our Rain Forests; Saving our Rivers, and Lakes. Love is cleaning up our oceans. Love is stopping Glaciers from melting, Seas from rising.

  • Love Is Jesus Teaching The Gospel On The Mount;  Knowing In a Few Days Time, He Will Be Tortured And Crucified By The Very People He Is Trying To Save. For Jesus Knows His Teachings Will Be Rejected By The Prideful And Vile; Yet He Also Knows How Vitally Important His Sacrifice Will Be For Humankind.  Although It Won’t Lessen His Pain, or His Loneliness, or His Sweat Of Blood; as His Inspiration is From His Father, Yet His Conviction is His Alone. And His Father Loves Him, And His Father Will Honor Him By Manifesting His Name At His Side, To Rule Over The Hearts Of Humankind Forever.

Jesus Christ Is The Supreme Example Of Love Within The History Of The Ages.

He Is The Most Noteworthy Example Of God’s Forgiveness And Love For Humankind; As God Was Willing To Sacrifice His Only Son For Us, As Atonement For Sin.

The Love Christ Has Given Us Through His Life And Then Death On The Cross, Has Earned Us The Right Of The Faithful To Avoid The Penalty Of Sin, Which Is Death; And The Reward Of  Eternal Life.

Anti-Value: Hate

Hate is the opposite of Love.

Hate is All the Anti-Values Combined into one.

Hate is toxic, destructive to any form or Life. 

Where Love is absent, Hate fills the void. Hate can be deliberate, calculating, or it can be irrational, uncalculating;  As Hate is Evil.


Hate can be words, thoughts, actions, or failures to act.


Hate can be directed or willed at one or many.


Hate is of the mind, the physical, but never of the soul.


Hate seeks to destroy Love whenever and where-ever it can.  If there is violence, killing, suffering … you will find Hate as a source.  If you find the presence of any of the anti-values listed to the right, you will find hate at work.

The only cure for Hate, which is fatal, is finding God, through the teachings of Jesus Christ.


Biblical References of Love:

  • 1 Corinthians 13:7: “Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things”


  • 1 John 4:8: “Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love”


  • John 15:9-13:  “As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Abide in my love. If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love, just as I have kept my Father's commandments and abide in his love. These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full. “This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.”

  • Matthew 5:43-44:  “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,”

  • Matthew 22:37:  “And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.”

  • 1 Timothy 1:5: “The aim of our charge is love that issues from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith.”

  • 1 Corinthians 13:4-8:  “Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends. As for prophecies, they will pass away; as for tongues, they will cease; as for knowledge, it will pass away.”

  • 1 Peter 3:8:  “Finally, all of you, have unity of mind, sympathy, brotherly love, a tender heart, and a humble mind.”


Youth (11 to 13)


Teen & Adult (14 plus)


Children (7 to 10)

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Presentation Slide Shows:

Slide shows can be used for individualized teaching, especially for children and youth; also for group presentations and meetings. 

There are up to four versions depending upon age:

  1. Teen & Adult (14 years old plus)

  2. Youth (11 to 13 years old)

  3. Children (7 to 10 years old)

  4. Young Children (3 to 6 years old)


Young Children (3 to 6)

Our Mission

Quote of the Month

To provide people of all ages, with free, accessible knowledge and education on personal values; with the goal of helping to develop strong moral character in their lives and our society.


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