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What is Empathy:

Empathy is when a person senses and feels the  emotions and pain of another person, or group.

Empathy involves a connection, mind to mind, soul to soul, where a person is fully sensitive with what another person may be feeling, experiencing,  or thinking.

Empathy involves reaching out to another, with the focus of best understanding the fullness of the other person’s depth of feeling, loneliness, vulnerability or hurt.  It is a genuine desire to understand their situation, motivation, and needs.

Often, when a person shows empathy for another, they understand and are moved to Action; to help that person or group with Kindness, Collaboration, and Change.

Examples of Empathy:

The Value of Empathy is an example of Love in Action, by taking the time to reach out to someone, to Listen, to Understand, with the intent of finding a way to Best Help Them.

Examples of Empathy include:

  • A Counselor, listening to and understanding a child’s feelings of isolation.

  • A Pastor reaching out to someone in need, to best feel and understand what can be done.

  • A Friend, that takes the time to stop and spend meaningful time with someone; to really identify with their feelings, their angst, their hurt, so they can help them heal.


Anti-Value: Apathy & Disdain

Apathy is just not caring. Disinterest, unmoved, and indifferent towards others, issues, or needs.  It’s a very self toxic frame of mind.

Disdain Is when someone shows contempt, scorn, or indifference to another’s need.  Disdain is an arrogance that considers others’ needs, opinions, or concerns unworthy of consideration.

Disdain is when one person, out of pride or self love; thinks they are above and better than other people.  

Disdain is when a person feels no empathy, no compassion, no inclination to help another, or to understand another, or to even be around others.

To disdain, is to darken your mind, and pollute your soul.


Biblical References of Empathy:

  • Romans 12:15:  “Rejoice with those who rejoice,  weep with those who weep.”

  • Jeremiah 1:5:  “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations.”

  • Galatians 6:2:   “Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ”


  • Philippians 2:4:  “Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others”

  • Ephesians 4:32:  “Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you”


Teen & Adult (14 plus)


Youth (11 to 13)

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Presentation Slide Shows:

Slide shows can be used for individualized teaching, especially for children and youth; also for group presentations and meetings. 

There are up to four versions depending upon age:

  1. Teen & Adult (14 years old plus)

  2. Youth (11 to 13 years old)

  3. Children (7 to 10 years old)

  4. Young Children (3 to 6 years old)


Children (7 to 10)


Our Mission

Quote of the Month

To provide people of all ages, with free, accessible knowledge and education on personal values; with the goal of helping to develop strong moral character in their lives and our society.


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