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Creative Endeavor

What is Creative Endeavor:

Creative Endeavor is a value entirely focused on improving the Quality of Life in our World; Improving it in a way that enhances the physical and spiritual aspects of Our Lives.

Creative Endeavor is when one spends time, energy, thought and action; entirely directed at creating, building a more Life Supportive World around us.  

The aim of course, is to strengthen our opportunity to grow physically, mentally, and spiritually in the most healthy manner possible; so we can achieve the most from our short journey on Earth.

The Creation can be Scientific, Mathematical, Biological, Mechanical, Social, Psychological, Religious, Artistic, Literary, Linguistic, Musical, Medical, Organizational, Economic,

Or Philanthropic.

Any human endeavor that seeks to: Research, Discover, Create, Invent, Innovate, or Build the Infrastructure of our Lives, … is at the very Heart of Creative Endeavor.

Creative Endeavor is about our Aspirations, the Personal Investment of our Time, our Energy our Conviction, our Diligence, our Natural or Learned Talents … and applying it All to the Ingenuity, necessary to Life-Building, Life-Supportive, and Life-Sustaining Accomplishment.

In so doing, We improve the Total Life Condition and Quality for Humanity and All other Life.

Creative Endeavor requires a great deal of hard work, self-reliance, determination and the efficient use or our time and resources; to do more with less and achieve.

Creative Endeavor is self-discovery and use of those Talents that are God-Given.

Examples of Creative Endeavor:

A person who believes in and exemplifies Creative Endeavor, is motivated, energetic, and driven.  They have Passion and use it.

Examples of Creative Endeavor are:

  • The Engineer, designing a new Bridge between divided lands; a new Hospital, a safer mode of Transportation.


  • The Inventor of a new low cost way to get more Clean Water into Poverty Stricken Areas.


  • The Scientist that Develops Innovative Energy Resources that Improve our Planet’s Health; defines Dark Matter; develops Genetic cures.


  • The Social Engineer that develops new and successful ways for people to collaborate.


  • The Musician that harmonizes our Lives.


  • The Writer that inspires humankind.

Anti-Value: Sloth

Sloth is the opposite of Creative Endeavor.

Sloth is the failure to do things One Could Do for Themselves or Humankind; but choose not to.

It is a willful wasting of  valuable time  and resources on indolence or indifference.  It is squandering Our Abilities on things that are not conducive to Building a Better World.  

It is misapplying One’s Abilities and Talents towards Destroying or Coarsening Our Culture through a Deliberate Misuse of  the Arts and Sciences: War Making, Pornography, Germ Warfare, Vice Marketing, Drugs.

Sloth of mind, body, and heart caused through inaction, inattention, or misdirection, is Deadly.

Sloth inevitably leads to a reduction, a destruction, a worsening and Degradation

of our World And Life.

Biblical References of Creative Endeavor:

Proverbs 22:13:  “The sluggard says, “There is a lion outside! I shall be killed in the streets!”

Ephesians 2:10:  “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them”

Romans 12:2: “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect”

1 Thessalonians 5:11: “Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing”

Titus 3:14:  “And let our people learn to devote themselves to good works, so as to help cases of urgent need, and not be unfruitful”

Presentation Slide Shows:

Slide shows can be used for .....  

There are two versions depending upon age:

  1. Adult (16 years old plus)

  2. Teens (13 to 15 years old)


Creative Endeavor


What is Creative Endeavor:

Creative Endeavor is a value entirely focused on improving the Quality of Life in our World; Improving it in a way that enhances the physical and spiritual aspects of Our Lives.

Creative Endeavor is when one spends time, energy, thought and action; entirely directed at creating, building a more Life Supportive World around us.  

The aim of course, is to strengthen our opportunity to grow physically, mentally, and spiritually in the most healthy manner possible; so we can achieve the most from our short journey on Earth.

The Creation can be Scientific, Mathematical, Biological, Mechanical, Social, Psychological, Religious, Artistic, Literary, Linguistic, Musical, Medical, Organizational, Economic,

Or Philanthropic.

Any human endeavor that seeks to: Research, Discover, Create, Invent, Innovate, or Build the Infrastructure of our Lives, … is at the very Heart of Creative Endeavor.

Creative Endeavor is about our Aspirations, the Personal Investment of our Time, our Energy our Conviction, our Diligence, our Natural or Learned Talents … and applying it All to the Ingenuity, necessary to Life-Building, Life-Supportive, and Life-Sustaining Accomplishment.

In so doing, We improve the Total Life Condition and Quality for Humanity and All other Life.

Creative Endeavor requires a great deal of hard work, self-reliance, determination and the efficient use or our time and resources; to do more with less and achieve.

Creative Endeavor is self-discovery and use of those Talents that are God-Given.

Examples of Creative Endeavor:

A person who believes in and exemplifies Creative Endeavor, is motivated, energetic, and driven.  They have Passion and use it.

Examples of Creative Endeavor are:

  • The Engineer, designing a new Bridge between divided lands; a new Hospital, a safer mode of Transportation.


  • The Inventor of a new low cost way to get more Clean Water into Poverty Stricken Areas.


  • The Scientist that Develops Innovative Energy Resources that Improve our Planet’s Health; defines Dark Matter; develops Genetic cures.


  • The Social Engineer that develops new and successful ways for people to collaborate.


  • The Musician that harmonizes our Lives.

  • The Writer that inspires humankind.

Anti-Value: Sloth

Sloth is the opposite of Creative Endeavor.

Sloth is the failure to do things One Could Do for Themselves or Humankind; but choose not to.

It is a willful wasting of  valuable time  and resources on indolence or indifference.  It is squandering Our Abilities on things that are not conducive to Building a Better World.  

It is misapplying One’s Abilities and Talents towards Destroying or Coarsening Our Culture through a Deliberate Misuse of  the Arts and Sciences: War Making, Pornography, Germ Warfare, Vice Marketing, Drugs.

Sloth of mind, body, and heart caused through inaction, inattention, or misdirection, is Deadly.

Sloth inevitably leads to a reduction, a destruction, a worsening and Degradation

of our World And Life.

Biblical References of Creative Endeavor:

Proverbs 22:13:  “The sluggard says, “There is a lion outside! I shall be killed in the streets!”

Ephesians 2:10:  “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them”

Romans 12:2: “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect”

1 Thessalonians 5:11: “Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing”

Titus 3:14:  “And let our people learn to devote themselves to good works, so as to help cases of urgent need, and not be unfruitful”

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Teen & Adult (14 plus)


Youth (11 to 13)

Presentation Slide Shows:

Slide shows can be used for individualized teaching, especially for children and youth; also for group presentations and meetings. 

There are up to four versions depending upon age:

  1. Teen & Adult (14 years old plus)

  2. Youth (11 to 13 years old)

  3. Children (7 to 10 years old)

  4. Young Children (3 to 6 years old)


Our Mission

Quote of the Month

To provide people of all ages, with free, accessible knowledge and education on personal values; with the goal of helping to develop strong moral character in their lives and our society.


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