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Character Quiz

In This Section We Provide You With An Opportunity to Complete A Quick and Simple Self-Assessment.

We Call it a Character Quiz.

It’s not electronic, and no data is collected.  It’s all in your hands and meant to be Confidential to You and Only You.

The purpose of this Self Assessment is to Help You Better Understand which of the 25 Values You Feel Are Confidently Active In Your Life, And Which Are Not.

From the Results, You Can Better Discern Those Values You May Want to Learn Deeper and Develop in Your Life.

The character quiz is a valuable piece of your learning journey.

We encourage you to complete it and be entirely honest with yourself.  It’s all for your benefit and will enrich your learning.

Here’s how it works:

  • There is a very simple self-assessment grid of all 25 values.

  • You will simply self score yourself on each of the values on a relative scale of 1 to 5.

  • A score of “1” will indicate you have weak knowledge of the value, and therefore an opportunity for deeper learning.

  • A score of “5” will indicate high confidence of that value in your life: It’s active and a healthy part of  who you are on a daily basis. Therefore you consider it A strength.


  • Go Through and Read All 25 Value Definitions Before Taking the Self Assessment.


  • Then, with a good understanding of what a Value Fully Stands For, Take the Quiz.


  • Click on the PDF to download Your Personal Score Sheet.


  • Then For Each Value, Take a Pen and Circle the Score You Feel Best Represent How Well You Feel the Value is Actively Represented In Your Life Today. The Goal is For You To Candidly Self-Discover Which Values You Need to Learn More About and Develop in Yourself. These Values will be Your Opportunities. And  Equally, Which Values You Feel Are Strengths in Your Life Today.

  • Also, If You are Teaching a Teen, Have Them Do a Similar Self-Assessment.



Click to Download Character Quiz PDF

Presentation Slide Show:

Slide show can be used for individualized teaching, especially for children and teens; also for group presentations and meetings. 

Character Quiz

Our Mission

Quote of the Month

To provide people of all ages, with free, accessible knowledge and education on personal values; with the goal of helping to develop strong moral character in their lives and our society.


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