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Teen & Adult Learning Ideas

Welcome to the Learning Section

Learning All 25 Foundational Values at a deeper level will take some time.  We encourage you to learn them well, as it will help you to reinforce them in Your Own Life, and also in Teaching others.

In this first part of the Learning Section, we will offer a number of Ideas to help You in approaching and Learning All the Values.

In subsequent Learning Sections, we will offer some suggestions on how you might Teach the Values to Children and young Teens;  as either group is not Likely to take on the task of Learning these Values by themselves.

Getting Started

20 Ideas          to Learning the Values

On the following pages of this Learning Adult Section we will provide You with 20 Ideas which can help in clearly Learning all 25 Foundational Values.

The Better You Know the Values, the more effective You will be as a Teacher and Example to Others.

We will start out on the next page with a Few Considerations to think about as You Get Started with Your Personal Learning Journey.

A Few Considerations to Think About

  • In your life, up to now, there can be many reasons why these Values may be unclear to you; or may have a mixed relevancy in your life; or as we say, simply “Un-Awakened”.

  • Now is a great time to take personal control and revitalize your memory and understanding of all these Values. 

  • It’s time to Break Free of any influences, which have prevented You from Learning a deeper set of Truths about Life. 

  • Do it for Yourself, Do it for Your Loved Ones.

  • You will only know how this will change your life, once you give it a chance.  So, Please continue and Start Your Learning Journey Today.

Idea 1 - Challenge Yourself

  • As we challenged you to do in the Introduction, take a paper and pen, write down 1. to 10. and try listing out the Values You believe-in and practice in your life today. 

  • Recognize there are 25 Foundational, Essential Values.

  • How did you do?

Idea 2 - Make a Personal Committment

  • Now is the time to make a Personal Commitment to a Personal Learning Journey. 

  • Promise yourself, you will pursue this personal development, despite any challenge to the contrary. 

  • You will Learn these fundamental Foundational Values in their entirety.

Idea 3 - Select a Pace Schedule

  • Take your time to Learn these Values well. There is no rush.  Remember, when Learning it’s Quality, not Quantity that counts. 

  • In other words, the Quality of your Learning is more valuable than how fast you Learn the material.  So we recommend a consistent, enjoyable Pace to Your Learning. 

  • We recommend a Pace Schedule of thoroughly Learning One Value per Week, one at a time, over 25 weeks.


  • If You feel a Value a day works, then go with a more aggressive Pace Schedule. 

  • It’s entirely up to You.

Idea 4 - Team Up with a Friend

  • If there is someone close to you, like a spouse, family member, or a friend, with whom you could Learn together, Team Up.

  • Work out a program of Commitment with them, as well as, a Pace Schedule.  Then go through each Value, and Support One Another in a Joint Learning Journey. Keep each other challenged, motivated, and committed to mastering all the Values.

Idea 5 - Select a Learning Spot

  • Select a quiet time of the day where you can read and think without any major distractions. 

  • Agree with others in your life you are making this effort and could use their support of commitment. Then go through each Value everyday and Learn Together.

Idea 6 - Learn the Values in Order

  • One to Twenty-Five 

  • The Values build into each other as you Learn them in succession.  Try not to assume you really know a Value and then skip over it.  You may be surprised to Learn there’s more to the Value than You thought. 

  • So, please read thoroughly.

Idea 7 - Ready, Set, Go...

  • Begin in Earnest. 

  • Following your Personal Pace Schedule, start up and formerly begin Learning each Week, dedicating that Week towards Learning One specific Value. 


  • In the first one to two days, read through the Value on each day.   Read the definition page, the example page, the anti-value page, and the Biblical Reference page. 


  • All of it.

Idea 8 - Quality Before Quantity

  • Pace yourself.  It’s not a race.  Learn at a comfortable, achievable Pace. 


  • Learn, Understand, Retain

  • Quality of Learning before Speed of Learning. The objective is to Learn each Value thoroughly enough to Teach it to Others, to Live the Value in accordance with your Life. 

Idea 9 - Keep a Personal Journal

  • Keep a Personal Journal or Notebook. 

  • Write down or record any positive thoughts you may have when reading about a Value and/or any Insights You might have.  Self-discovery is a vital part of Your Learning Journey. 


  • Periodically, take out Your Personal Journal and Read Through It.

Idea 10 - Reflect on Your Learnings

On the third and fourth day of a given week, think a little more deeply about the Value for that Week.  Take some time and ask yourself several Thought Questions to open up additional insight into what you have been learning thus far.

  • How does this Value show up in my life today ? 

  • Am I strong or weak on this Value?

  • How would other people see this Value in me, or not ?

  • Do I see this Value in other people, other groups, associations I attend, people in my family ?

  • Do I see the Anti-Value present somewhere in my circle of life, fogging out God and eroding goodness?  Think of   some examples.

  • Ask yourself, “what Action can I take, going forward from this day, which will   allow Me to demonstrate the Value in my life, or to someone else ?”

Idea 11 - Look for the Value in Action

  • On Day Five of the Week, take a moment and think about People or Institutions that aptly reflect the Value you are learning. You will quickly Learn the Values are all around us, almost at any time, in other people, events, and moments throughout the day.  Equally, you will sense there are many, many opportunities for more of the Values to be present in our lives.  The more you identify and relate to a Value in your actual environment, the better you will remember that Value.

Idea 12 - Learn the Anti-Value

  • Also on Day Five, When reading through a Value section, be sure to carefully read the page on the corresponding Anti-Value for each Foundational Value you Learn. 

  • Learning the opposite of the Value will help your Understanding.  As you do, think of some circumstances or people in which the Anti-Value has shown its presence. 

Idea 13 - Read the Biblical Reference Page

  • On Day Six, read the Biblical Reference page.

  • Please read it even if you are not religious or spiritual in any way. Don’t skip it.  Each Value has a presence in spiritual philosophy. The kinship of each Value to Age Old Truths, through God’s Inspired Teachings which is central to Learning.  Seeing how people of belief expressed these Values centuries ago, can only be supportive, and may well create a valuable Insight for you to consider.

Idea 14 - Review

  • Every Week, Take a Moment and Review the most current Value You are Learning, and Also, Go back Over those Values You have Previously Learned.   Good Learning is helped by Repetition and Review.

  • Checking Back and Reviewing is Key to Developing a Confident Recall of the Foundational Values.

Idea 15 - Repeat the Process

  • Yes, that’s Right … Repeat the Whole Process over again.

  • After You complete Your Learning Pace Schedule, and You have gone through All 25 Values, in 25 weeks ( or 25 days), or whatever the length of the Pace You chose to do ... Then Repeat the Whole Process Again.

  • This will greatly assure a deeper Learning of All 25 Values, and more importantly, provide You with the Confidence to Teach them to Others. As You will discover, it really takes some time to Learn these Values well.  Once you do, they will be with you for the rest of your life.

  • Through practice, you will invariably Learn them and probably be able to recount them from memory.  But don’t worry if you can’t remember all of them.  Just remember where you can go at any time to get the complete listing… 

  • We will always be here for you.

Idea 16 - Awaken These Values

  • Awaken these Values within your Life. 

  • Put them into practice with all the people You come in contact in a given week: family, friends, business associates, and strangers.

  • Engage them in all the organizations you are a part of. 

  • Be a fine example of each Value to others.

Idea 17 - Share and Teach Another

  • Learning and Understanding


  • These Solid Moral Values is a True Gift.


  • It’s a Free Gift, and One that You


  • Have chosen to Pursue.


  • By Learning the Values, You are ready to help another.  Please Share them with Someone.

  • Please view our Teaching Children and Teens Sections.  You are Ready.

Idea 18 - Some Other Easy Ideas

  • Use your Journal repeatedly throughout your Learning.

  • Engage family and friends about the Values as You Learn.

  • Each week, post a Value on your Refrigerator, or your Bathroom Mirror, or a Door, or in your Car, at Work, as a reminder.

  • Put a reminder in your Smart Phone. 

  • Send a post card or Text Message to someone that week, using a “Value of the Week” in the message; or a Value that has a special meaning to the recipient.

  • Facebook Someone.  Twitter Someone.  Instagram some one, SnapChat someone.  Connect.

Idea 19 - Some Other Ideas Requiring Greater Effort

  • Take the Character Quiz, and see how You do.  It is just for fun, but you might get a little sense of yourself by taking the Quiz.  At the very least, It might suggest some Values you may want to spend more time on, as well as, those Values which you are strong and confident in.

  • Use Social Media to share your thoughts with someone else.

  • Hold a seminar in a conference room, a ministry meeting at your church, or a small gathering in your home … and present the Foundational Values to Family or Friends.   You can use this Website,, and Present the information on a computer or a wall projector for everyone to see.

  • Help Share Your Knowledge.  Today, Our Society is reeling from an erosion and systemic repression of Values.  It has created a harmful spiral downwards in the Quality of Our Educational Systems, much of our Entertainment, Government, Civic, Sports,  and Community Organizations.  We can change that, by Living these Values in our various “walks-of-life”.  The more people who Understand, Teach and Live these Values each Day, the more we will Change Our World for the Better.  It’s a Good Undertaking.  Please Help.

Idea 20 - Use the Values as an Evalutation Matrix

  • Once You have Learned the 25 Values, You will find they provide an Excellent Matrix for filtering and better understanding the world around You; especially from a moral perspective.  Every person, event, circumstance, institution, trend, etc. can be readily Evaluated by Using the Value List and their meaning to properly assess and understand the situation or person(s) you engage with. 

  1. Challenge Yourself

  2. Make a Personal Commitment

  3. Select a Pace Schedule

  4. Team Up with a Spouse, Partner, or Friend.

  5. Select a comfortable Learning Spot

  6. Learn the Values in Order.  1,2,3>>25.

  7. Start in Earnest.  Ready, Set, Go !

  8. Remember, Quality of Learning before Quantity: It’s not a Race 

  9. Keep a Personal Journal as You Learn, insights, ideas, questions…

  10. Ask Yourself some “Thought Questions”

  11. Relate to “Value Presence” in Your Life

  12. Learn the Anti-Value, Opposite

  13. Read the Biblical Reference Page

  14. Review, Review, Review

  15. Repeat Your  Pace Schedule a second, even a third time regardless of the # of weeks

  16. Awaken These Values through Your Actions and the Examples You demonstrate to Others; in what you Stand For, or Against

  17. Share and Teach Others: Children, Teens, Friends, Loved Ones…

  18. Try Some Easy Idea Suggestions

  19. Try Some Greater Effort Suggestions

  20. Use the Full List of All Values as An Evaluation Matrix in Your Life


Presentation Slide Show:

Slide show can be used for individualized teaching, especially for children and teens; also for group presentations and meetings. 

Teen & Adult Learning Ideas

Our Mission

Quote of the Month

To provide people of all ages, with free, accessible knowledge and education on personal values; with the goal of helping to develop strong moral character in their lives and our society.


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