About Us:
At Awaken25.com Our Mission is...
To Provide People of All Ages, with Free, Accessible Knowledge and Education on Personal Values; with the Goal of Helping to Develop Strong Moral Character in their Lives and Our Society.
To Support Parents and Guardians with Quality Information & Guidance; to assist them in Teaching Children and Teenagers about Important Foundational Values that will Strengthen Their Character and Lives.
Our Aim is To Help Us Shape a Better Culture, a more Vibrant Community, and a Greater Moral World.
Who Are We:
We are a Christian Family Driven Organization.
We are wholly dedicated to Teaching, Promoting and Nurturing Good Human Values, grounded in Judeo & Christian Philosophies.
We advocate Strong Family and Personal Values, grounded with a Genuine Love of God and All Life.
The Montepara Family
The Inspiration and Leadership of Awaken25.com is drawn from The Montepara Family of Pennsylvania.

Nick, Debbie, and their three children: Christopher, Courtney, and Taylor. We are a middle class American Family, Christian-based and living the social, economic and moral challenges experienced with raising three wonderful Souls in a tenacious, unpredictable world.
We are a Private Corporation registered in the State of Delware; formed as Awaken25 LLC in 2015.
Company Officers:
Was formed in 2015 by two retired top executives from the business community and one not retired Mom and Nurse, who together represent the Senior Officers.
Nicola Montepara, 56 years young, Economics BA; Senior Vice President of Retail Support, Ahold USA, a $26 Billion company, employing 115,000; Retired July 2015; President, Awaken25 LLC 2015, residence in State of Pennsylvania.
Debbie Montepara, 55 years young, Registered Nurse, Married to Nicola for 30 years, RN Medical Nurse, Proud Parent and Mother of Three (Christopher 28 years, Account Executive, for a National Marketing Company based in California; Courtney 28 years, Assistant Professor School of Pharmacy at Duquesne University and author of children books with moral messages, Taylor 22 years, a paraprofessional at a local high school providing direct care for students with autism and other serious health conditions, formerly a pre-school teacher for children ages 2 to 10), Not Retired; Vice President and Corporate Treasurer, Awaken25 LLC 2015, residence in State of Pennsylvania.
Peter Labbe, 61 years old, Management BA, Executive Vice President of Operations, Technology, Distribution, & Strategy, Giant Food Stores, Ahold NV; Retired January 2011; Private Strategy Consultant, Retired March 2015; Vice President and Corporate Secretary, Awaken25 LLC 2015, residence in State of Pennsylvania.
Board of Directors:
As we are a Small company with a Board of Directors consisting of Seven People. We elected to be a Private Organization in order to ensure the ongoing editorial control and integrity of our Content and Website. We are devoted to High Ethical Standards of the Business and are governed by a legally established set of By Laws of Awaken25.com; which includes a specific Conflict of Interest Policy.
Creating, Writing, and Editing a Website of this size and subject matter requires a number of people with varied knowledge, skills, time, and conviction. We are thankful to those who have, and may continue to contribute their thoughts and time to help in making this website a reality and keeping it free, fresh, and well purposed.
Our Story
We formed Awaken25.com after a combined 100+ years of Business and Family Experience.
In our prior professional positions, we have had the opportunity to:
Lead and Help grow multi billion dollar businesses
Form and Nurture Organizational Cultures
Train and Develop thousands of employees
Serve and Support Millions of Customers
Teach Technology, Communications & Efficiency
Inspire with Visionary future Strategy
Achieve outstanding profitable growth, over many Years
Treat People with Dignity, Respect, and Concern
Over the past 45+ Years, in both our professional and personal lives, all three of us have interacted with and learned from thousands of people. We continue to Learn. During our Business and Medical careers, we have witnessed the birth of two full generations, and the imminent progression of a third. Over those past 45+ years, we have also come to Learn the Unmitigated Importance of Personal Character and Family Values actively guiding and growing People’s Lives.

We have especially learned how fundamentally they relate to the development of Healthy Minded Families, Robust Communities, and the Key Institutions that Intersect and then Shape Our Lives (schools, churches, government, business, associations, sport teams, etc. ).
More importantly, we have witnessed how crucial the “right values” are for shaping the Lives of Our Children and Our Loved Ones in body, mind, and soul.
We have seen first hand, how healthy moral values in a Person’s Life ensures Good Character, Self-Confidence, Maturity, Quality Decision-Making, and a Motivated, Responsible Human Being.
Equally, over those years, we have witnessed a steady erosion in our Society of just such Values.
The Culture has coarsened and become complacent with secularism, atheism, marginalization of people of Faith. Our world continues to rupture with the splintering of Lives from Drugs, the near anarchy in our inner cities, the polarization of politics, an increasing contempt for values and for God.
We also have recognized a large number of people don’t readily recognize what Foundational Values they Stand For; or Principles they hold as sacrosanct; or further, even what causes they should stand for or against.
We have discovered it wasn’t as much they didn’t clearly know their Values when asked, but more they were unsure of what those values were any more. Real “character” has been and is increasingly becoming more undefined, uncertain.
We felt this “uncertainty” in peoples hearts & minds was a growing risk to a Quality Culture, to a Vibrant Society, to the integrity of Families and to Future Generations.
So … We decided to do what we could to address the continuing erosion of Values and decency in Our World.
For that reason, we chose to start this Website, Awake25.com: devoted to sharing Foundational Values, and providing people with information, knowledge, and guidance on how they can Learn, Embrace, and Teach Foundational Moral Values to themselves, and the Loved Ones in their Lives.
As a startup in 2015, we are self-funded, however we do hope to receive some donation support in the future, as people discover the website and realize a benefit from it.
We are People of Belief and have a Full Faith in God. We do believe that as people more clearly Understand Their True Values, Believe in Them, Live Them, Teach Them; they will naturally see a strengthening of their Love for God, as well as, the World Around Them.
Our Best Wishes in Your Learning Journey.
We understand in today’s world, there’s a great deal of diversity of peoples, beliefs, creeds, thoughts, and preferences.
Some people, who are steeped in a particular religion, or theology, may pose the Question: “by what Authority are these values brought forward?”
We forthrightly believe, these Values are from God’s Grace to Humankind. We don’t own the values, we didn’t create them. They are revealed in Life through experience, history, prophecy, inspiration, and good common sense.
We do believe however: they are Genuine, True, and Timeless. Where-ever we can, we will cite source or Biblical reference to support the teaching and wisdom of what is being shared.
We do hold these values are Universal and Self Validating.
Please help us in Awakening them in each other.