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Welcome To:

What Values Are Active In Your Life Today?

What Do You Stand For?

What Do You

Stand Against?


Learn More About

Foundational Values

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What are the Most Important Values Active in Your Life Today?

This website is designed to help You

answer that very question.

The site is freely provided to help You

learn and teach 25 Foundational Values

to Adults, Teens and Children.

Our Collective Effort…

One of the largest challenges we have in Society, is our collective Effort to ensure the world we are living in, doesn’t continue to become:

  • more vulgar

  • more coarsened

  • more unlivable. 

It is Incumbent Upon All Of Us To Do What We Can To Learn and Teach These Values. 

We provide that Opportunity in the “ Learning's” Section where you will find some guidance in helping You master these Values and then be confident in Teaching them to Your Loved Ones.

In the  “Resources” Section we provide a very Rich list of additional information about Important Thoughts regarding Values and Principles; Other Types of Values (Democratic, Civic, Global), and Go to Sites to deepen your Knowledge.


The Website is Organized into the following Sections:

  • The Values

    • 25 Teen & Adult Values

    • 20 Youth Values

    • 15 Children Values

    • 10 Young Children Values

  • Video Series - ​narrative through a series of video messages to explain our motivation for the website and the vital importance of values in our culture, society and our lives

  • Learning's – tips and Ideas to assist Learning and Teaching the Values to Yourself and others

    • For Teen & Adult in general (ages 14 years old, plus)

    • For teaching Youth (ages 11 to 13 years old)

    • For teaching Children (ages 7 to 10 years old)

    • For teaching Young Children (ages 3 to 6 years old)

  • Resources – additional thoughts and  resources available to help expand your knowledge of Values and related topics.

  • Course Offerings - series of courses to assist in learning and understanding the importance of the The 25 Foundational Values in your life and the lives of your loved ones

  • I'd Like to Help – is a section where You can reach us for small presentations or Donate to Donations will be used to help communicate the message to a wider audience.

Help Us Light the Fire

In the “Share The Thought” Section, we enlist Your Good Will in assisting us to “Market Our Message” on Values to others through purchased soft goods and other items wherein we message the Values on useful posters, mugs, t-shirts, etc. This is the only commercial part of the website, and it is purely voluntary.

Under the “Let Me Help” Section, we provide a quick and easy way for you to contribute to this educational effort in time or charitable contribution, as well as, a way to hire our Services for Lectures, Conferences, Small Meetings, Educational Forms, or Church Gatherings.

Each of the 25 Foundational Values we present, are drawn from years of life experience, ethical readings, the Bible, and genuine inspiration.  We did not create or invent any of the knowledge.  We are simply passing on age old Truths.

This Website is designed to help Awaken these Essential 25 Values in your life. 

So whenever asked: “What do You stand for or stand against?”: it will be an easy response. 

You will come to know yourself at a more confident and deeper level. 

Additionally, You will be better equipped to nurture these Values in the Lives of Your Teens and Children; enriching them with a wonderful Value Set to help guide their lives in an uncertain and turbulent world.

What is morally Good?

What does it mean to Awaken?:

In our lives, through our upbringing, in some way or another, we have been introduced to “values”.  We have learned to some extent the right and the wrong way to do things, the right and wrong principles to stand for, or equally important, to stand against. 

Hopefully, We…

  • Have Learned them all, and Learned them well.

  • Can cite them, as easy as saying our names.

  • Know their full meaning, not just a quick reference. 

  • Are teaching them to our children and friends. 

  • Practice them in our families, neighborhoods, communities; and we look for them in others’ behaviors, words.

  • Experience and  understand these values as a part of our schools, community groups, churches.

  • Are strengthening our Lives with Values, and thereby improving our world. 

  • Are meaningfully teaching our children to pass these truths and wisdom on to future generations.



What if we are Not ?

  • What if, what we know is only a little of what we could know?

  • What if our understanding could be deeper, our confidence stronger, our certainty more exact?

  • What if we could actually Learn more?

  • What if we could  really Learn more deeply and broadly about All the most 25 Foundational Values? 

  • What if we could learn “what” and “how” to successfully teach these values to others; and make them an intrinsic part of both our and their lives?

What if …

Well the Good News is We Can ! is entirely about helping you do just that: to Learn and to Teach the Values.

When we say Awaken, that’s just what we mean: to arise, become more alert, more familiar with what’s around you, who’s around you, what’s happening in your world: the good and the bad … as seen through a matrix of Values. 

Our clear intent is to stir these Values up in your Mind, your Heart, your Conscience; so you can clearly relate to the things in your life which are happening, or could happen; so you will always know the best moral path to take in any situation, throughout  your life.

Awaken is our way of saying: we simply want to re-fresh your memory; provide a little more clarity; and share with you, how these values relate to each other.  We think You will Agree, they can help you and your loved ones grow into stronger, independent, moral human beings. 

A word about Awaken.

At, we sincerely hope you will spend some time with us and Learn all the good  you can. 

Awaken and Learn the 25 Foundational Values:


  1. In such a way  you will transform your heart and mind to a new level.

  2. To Teach others.

  3. To live and be a rightful example.

  4. Because they will grace Your Life.

  5. As they will nurture society.

  6. For the purpose of bringing us all closer to each other, and nature, and our planet.

  7. Because they will enrich humanity with a deeper, greater, and more lasting Love.


Our Mission

Quote of the Month

To provide people of all ages, with free, accessible knowledge and education on personal values; with the goal of helping to develop strong moral character in their lives and our society.


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